Phillip A. Batz Wiki

Performancism: the value and character of our performances; whether we succeed or fail, what our standards of success and failure are, and how they are formed (publication) 

Performancism goes even further, saying that rather than saying anything about the Ding An Sich, the thing-in-itself, all of our knowledge can only address our own actual performances and their results; what we put into the black box, and what comes out: nothing else. We can never know the Ultimate Rules of Reality, but only the Ultimate Rules of the Game we are playing with it, whether that game is small (Tic-tac-toe, Chess, Go), medium (Axis and Allies, AD&D, Runescape, World of Warcraft), large (Wikileaks, Threat or Menace?!?), or really huge (The Standard Model, now with Higgs' Bosons!). 

Functionalism: our methodologies of performance, practices, forms, algorithms, the recipes, regulations, etc. (ink on paper)

Instrumentalism: the tools and implements by which a function is performed; the symbolic calculus of substance (quill pen and ink; manual printing press; mechanical printing press, carbon paper; xerography; scan, email, and transmit for printing) 

Objectivism: the goals we can reasonably set, the rewards we can expect, and the risks that are entailed (contributing to human knowledge, being recognized as a great philosopher, being burned at the stake like Bruno) 

Realism: expectations and limits; presumes there is a substantive study as to the nature of our reality (Is my existence as a philosopher real? Does anyone else give a crap?)

Ultimatism: the final set of fundamental rules of Life, the Universe, and Everything (Shirley! Surely there must be a final set of fundamental physical laws! Maybe something that fits on two stone tablets, or a hitchhiker's guide? That would be handy!)

Fantasticism: allegories, analogies, synthesis, and first approximations; the stories we tell ourselves and others long before a formal study can begin ("I am the smartest person in the whole world, and I will become famous for my keen philosophical insights!"); right up there with alchemy, astrology, and a bunch of other crap that turned out better than it started

Rhetoricism: arguments, analysis, and criticism; any real attempt to sway (or dissuade) others concerning any subject at all; begging for research funds, a better grade in class, or groveling for a scholarship or tenure (Talk about my pages with everyone you know! Now! On Facebook! On Twitter! On Google Circles! On Dasher! On Dancer!... oh, wait.)

Full circle: Note that rhetoric itself is a performance that can succeed or fail, and therefore the system as I wish to present it is circular and closed. I've left you a great deal of room to flesh it out with your own thoughts, and please feel free to be critical... that's part of the process by design! P:D (What a Performance I gave! And I completely slapped together my own Fantastic Functions! Using just my crappy terminal at the library and my own giiianormous brain as Instruments! It seemed such a modest Objective, and yet... look how awesomely it fulfills goals others can only dream of! Did I Really manage to convey such a magnificent Rhetoric in such a crude medium as common english?!? Just think what other truly awesome arguments must then be possible within it's Ultimate rules of grammar and syntax!1!! Verily and forsooth!!!! P:D )
